CASBA Vision, Mission and Values

Our Vision:

A society where people with learning disabilities live as equal citizens.


CASBA helps people with learning disabilities to get their voices heard and their rights accepted.

Our Values:

Respect – CASBA shows care and concern to all people. We will not tell you what to do. You can say what you think and make your own choices.

We work together – CASBA makes changes happen by listening to and working with our citizens. When we work with others, all our voices are stronger.  

Accessible – we understand that everyone is different. We work with people in ways and in places that are safe and easy for them.

CASBA’s Strategy

CASBA published a new 5-year strategy at our AGM in 2023. We consulted carefully with our citizens, staff, volunteers and Trustees to ensure everyone was involved in creating this. You can read read it online by clicking the buttons below: